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Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Well, the CT showed a lesion on the liver and lymph node enlargement . Bubba will start chemo in two weeks. They will probably not needle biopsy the liver because of the location of the lesion. The plan is to have an ultrasonic gastroscopy to get biopsies of the lymph nodes. Then a port will be placed for chemo. I think the chemo will be cisplatin and irinotican.

Tom feels well and as his oncologist said today "Perfectly healthy except for a few cancer cells". As Tom says, another bump in the road. We are going to destroy this beast, no question about it. Tom will lose his hair again, but it's almost summer, so it would be gone anyway.

We'll have to plan our trips around doctor visits for a while. That only means shorter trips. Keep the good thoughts and prayers coming our way.

Until the next time,

Monday, May 2, 2011


The Davis family is keeping one local surgeon busy. He did Tom's esophagectomy, bitlateral inguinal hernia, our daughters's gastric bypass and a few days ago he removed my gallbladder. We take turns sacking out on the couch. So now I need a low fat diet and Tom needs goodies to put on weight. LOL, you ought to see our refrigerator! Other than being a little sore, we are all doing well.

We did have some snow a few mornings ago, but mostly sunny days. It feels good to get out in the garden. The little ones hunted eggs on Easter morning and I think they had a good time. We sure enjoyed being with them. This month is full of doctor appointments, lab work and CT scans. We'll keep you posted.

Until next time,

PS his hair almost needs trimming.