We got together with friends last Saturday for a BBQ. We were having such a good time that I forgot to take pictures. Fortunately, we were just finishing up some great desserts when the thunderstorm rolled over us. We got the worst of the storm driving home through Washoe Valley. Can't wait for the new section of freeway to be completed!
As I said before, plans change. Tom saw the oncologist today and due to a published study that has better results than the planned treatment, he is changing the chemo regime. The good thing is that Tom won't need a PICC line inserted. The chemo mix is now Carboplatin and Taxol, which will be given once a week. This study was done specifically with patients that have Tom's stage and type of esophageal cancer and showed good results.
It was a fun BBQ, wasn't it? :>) It sounds like this change to Bubba's treatment will be a good one. Thanks for the update.